Skilled Decision-Making…. is hard to come by

Decision-making processes are largely misunderstood. Based on the number of decisions we make every day in our private and business lives, it is surprising how many people do not even know how to do it: making good decisions.

For many people, decision-making is more like a process of guessing or betting on a result, be that what they eat in a restaurant to choosing a job or investing in the stock market. Many even inform themselves, ask the right questions, but when it comes to the actual decision, they muddle through, decide somehow, and hope for a good result.

Entscheiden unter komplexen Bedingungen

Entscheidungsprozesse sind weitgehend unverstanden Gemessen an der Anzahl an Entscheidungen, die wir tagtäglich in unserem Privat- und Geschäftsleben treffen, ist es erstaunlich, wie viele Menschen gar nicht wissen, wie das geht: gute Entscheidungen treffen. Entscheidungsfindung gleicht für viele… Read More

Risk vs Uncertainty

The trouble with decision making (DM) as a topic is its complex character which is doesn’t lend itself well to unpack it in a linear modality. For as soon as we want to dive further into our process,… Read More

Decision-Making: Framing

In the last blog I ended with establishing a baseline around decision making, drawing on the Lectical Decision Making Assessment (LDMA) and Russo & Schoemaker (“Winning Decisions”): Framing: the general goal of the decision maker including the way they… Read More

How do we make decisions?

With the amount of decisions that we make every day, it is astonishing that the process of making decisions is not well understood. So how do we make the best choice? The very act of deciding seems a… Read More